The Ipswich Magical Society. Mentalism Night 2006
Marc Jacobs Mentalism night is still a relatively new event on the Ipswich Magical Society calendar and I have to say that it is fast becoming one of my favourites.

Lectures are always worth attending, but sometimes so much more can be learnt from the performance evenings such as this one.

Several members from the society, some new, some long term, were asked to do something for us and they quickly proved that Mentalism can be as fun and entertaining as any other genre of magic. Naturally I have always known this but it isn't always everyone's cup of tea.

The evening was compered by the very capable Marc Jacobs who kept the show flowing from beginning to end. We were even fortunate enough to see Marc perform a couple of bits and pieces. His drawing graphology routine I found particularly enjoyable.

Graham P. Jolley

Graham P. Jolley However, as if all that wasn't enough, something else occurred that made the evening into something extremely memorable. We were honoured to have a very special guest with us. It was none other than Mr. Graham P. Jolley, arguably Britain's best mentalist working at the moment. Mr. Jolley very kindly offered to perform something for us and for 30 minutes he did just that.

If you have never seen Graham Jolley's act than you have really missed something exceptional. He had everyone in absolute fits of laughter from start to finish. This man has audience management down to a fine art. He has a way of being insulting without making it seem offensive in anyway whatsoever. You always feel part of the fun and not the butt of it, even when his comments are addressed to you. More importantly though, there was also some extremely powerful Mentalism going on throughout. Hopefully this won't be the last time Graham Jolley visits the Ipswich Magical Society. In fact it would be nice to think he would become a member (I think it goes with out saying that he has passed his audition!)

Alec Adolphus

Alec Adolphus The other performers of the evening included Alec Adolphus, who kindly showed us his new ‘Just say stop’ card force. He did tell us before hand that it had only gone wrong twice before, but that he had only performed it three times, however I think he was pulling our legs a little as it worked fine on the night. Alec has one of those minds that should be involved with inventing magic full time.

Rupert 'Flashy' Appleyard

The second performer was the imitable Flashy – otherwise known as Rupert Appleyard. Described by Marc Jacobs as the Adam Ant of Magic. Rupert has numerous skills such as Circus Ringmaster, Escapologist, Clown and Close-up Magician so it was a real pleasure to see yet another feather to his bow. He is a natural performer who could probably turn his hand to anything, but certainly his Mentalism routine was most enjoyable. It included a variety of effects, including some nice psychological forces, a drawing duplication and a time prediction.

Rupert 'Flashy' Appleyard

Dr. Todd Landman. The Metaphysical Magician

Dr. Todd Landman Next up was another member new to the Ipswich Magical Society. Dr. Todd Landman. I have already seen him do bits and pieces in the pub so I knew he was more than capable and he certainly didn’t let us down on the night. Todd is well used to the limelight and as one of his jobs is a lecturer of philosophy and politics he is equally at home talking in front of people. Something it has to be said is a great asset for any Mentalism. Todd is working on some new ideas at the moment that involve his persona as a metaphysical magician. A mixture of philosophy and Mentalism and it was a delight to see some of his ideas in action.

Mark Procyshyn

Mark Procyshyn After Todd we were treated to a 20 minute performance by Mark Procyshyn. Mark has been at the society for more than a few years now and although he is equally capable of performing more traditional magic, his real love has always been in Mentalism, so it was no surprise to see him so comfortable on stage. The other nice thing about watching a performance from Mark is that you always know you will be treated to something you have never seen before and he certainly didn’t let us down.

Mentalism is a hugely popular genre of magic at the moment and the evening was a real treat to watch. All the performers had such a widely different style that it made for great entertainment.

Reviewed by Simon Shaw